How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Face of Education as We Know It Today

June 17, 2024
How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Face of Education as We Know It Today
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Since the launch of ChatGPT for the public, everyone has been talking about how AI will change the world as we know it. It will cause job losses, changes in behavior, blurred realities, and much more. There are lots of enthusiasts and skeptics. Whether you love or hate AI, it is going to affect your life, whether you want it to or not. As educators, we should be aware of its impact, be prepared to embrace it, and make the best of it.

As a university professor and accreditation consultant, I have my own worries about AI:

1. How will I evaluate students’ work like essays and projects, since AI-generated content resembles real human work? You can even teach it to use your style and language and make the same mistakes you tend to make. Most AI-generated content can pass plagiarism checkers easily, so what will be the alternative to plagiarism checkers with AI? Will there be an AI checker that we as educators can use?

2. Will AI replace me and my role as a teacher one day? With all the AI-powered Learning Management Systems and Learning Paths that can test, grade, and evaluate students’ progress, will universities find that they don’t need faculty anymore?

3. Should I allow students to use AI in their learning? Or should I prohibit its use? How much use can I allow? And how can I control their use of it? If I allow students to use AI, how will the disparity in financial resources affect their use of it? Not all of them may have access to high-speed internet and can pay for the advanced features in AI. Will this pose a discriminatory issue for us as educators?

4. How will over-reliance on technology affect students’ learning and how their brains are wired? Are we going to have new theories like “Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants” but with a focus on AI? Will students really feel the need to learn when all they have to do to find a piece of information is to type a question into AI?

5. What about privacy? AI now stores and uses all information that we type into it with our full consent. How will this affect my students’ privacy and their intellectual property rights? Will IP even exist anymore with AI re-using data from all different sources?

6. How much can I trust AI’s evaluation and grading of students’ work? How much bias has AI been fed by its creators, and how neutral are its algorithms to gender, race, religion, etc.?

These are all real fears that my colleagues and I share about the increasing prevalence of AI in education. But without a doubt, AI also has huge benefits for us as educators. Here are some of the benefits that you as an educator can get from using AI:

1. Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is among the most fascinating changes artificial intelligence brings about for education. Imagine a classroom in which each student has precisely what they need to flourish. This scenario made feasible by artificial intelligence is not a far-off dream.

Systems of adaptive learning

Consider how Netflix bases recommendations on movies you might like on your past viewing. In learning, artificial intelligence functions similarly. AI helps adaptive learning systems determine how effectively a student is absorbing the content. Should a learner find a math idea difficult, the system provides simpler challenges and extra practice. Should the pupil be flying through, it offers progressively difficult assignments to keep them interested. Already, platforms like DreamBox and Knewton make learning more individualized and efficient by leveraging these smart algorithms.

Artificial Intelligence Teachers

Like always available virtual professors, artificial intelligence tutors are They can respond to inquiries, break down tough subjects, and offer comments on homework. These artificial intelligence tutors serve to assist human teachers and provide extra help to pupils as needed rather than to replace them. Duolingo, for instance, employs artificial intelligence to guide learners of new languages. It changes courses depending on your performance so that you are always challenged but never overburdened.


Personalized learning with artificial intelligence mostly benefits each student by meeting their particular demands. Rather than a one-size-fits-all solution, artificial intelligence develops a learning road appropriate for every pupil. Students are more likely to remain involved, grasp the content better, and like the learning experience. The value of artificial intelligence in individualized learning is seen in a classroom where everyone may learn at their own speed and style.

AI helps build a more inclusive and efficient learning environment for every student by making education more flexible and supporting. We must concentrate on the benefits AI can offer as we negotiate this new terrain and cooperate to meet any obstacles that surface.

2. Administrative Efficiency

AI is changing more than just the classroom. It's also changing how schools and colleges run their businesses. AI is making educational institutions run more smoothly and efficiently by streamlining processes.

Automated systems for grading

Grading tests and homework is one of the things that teachers hate doing because it takes so much time. What if you had a helper who could grade hundreds of papers much faster than you could? Grading tools that use AI do just that. They can grade multiple-choice tests, essays, and even tasks that are hard to understand on their own. Sites like EdX use AI to grade writings and give immediate feedback. The teachers will have more time to focus on teaching and less time on routine tasks.

Plan ahead smartly

It's impossible to make class plans that work for everyone. It's possible for AI to do this for you. AI is used by smart scheduling systems to make the most efficient plan possible by taking into account many factors, such as available rooms, teacher schedules, and student course preferences. Some colleges and universities are already using AI to make the best use of their resources and class plans. This will lead to fewer fights, better use of room, and happier staff and students.


There is no doubt that using AI for administrative tasks will make things run more smoothly and give teachers and managers more time to focus on what they do best—teaching students. AI makes schools and universities run more smoothly by taking care of boring jobs automatically. This gives teachers more time to spend with their students.

AI is here to stay, and it has a clear effect on how well the government works. Using these tools can make the classroom run more smoothly and efficiently, which is good for everyone. As AI is added to more schools, we need to stay up to date and ready to make the most of these new technologies.

3. Enhanced Accessibility

AI is not only changing how we teach and run schools, but it is also making it easier for everyone to go to school, especially students who live in remote places or have disabilities.

Assistive technologies powered by AI

Think about a student who has trouble hearing or seeing. They might have a hard time in regular classrooms, but AI-powered assistive tools are changing the game. Speech-to-text apps, for example, can turn spoken words into written text in real time, which can help deaf or hard-of-hearing students follow along in class. Text-to-speech apps can also read written information out loud, which is very helpful for students who have trouble seeing.

Let's look at the story of Alex, a high school student who has trouble reading. Alex finds it hard to read a lot of text, but an AI-powered note-taking app makes it easy for him to listen to his classes and take notes without getting too stressed out. Alex can keep up with his friends with this technology, and he can enjoy learning instead of getting frustrated.

Everyone Can Get an Education

AI is also breaking down barriers between places, so kids from all over the world can go to school. This is shown very clearly by online learning tools like Khan Academy and Coursera. AI is used on these sites to give each student a personalized learning experience, no matter where they are.

As an example, look at Maria. She lives in a small town that is very far away and doesn't have any advanced computer science classes nearby. Maria can learn at her own pace while taking classes from top colleges around the world through Coursera. Because of her interests and progress, the platform uses AI to suggest classes that are a good fit for her. This makes her learning experience unique and personalized.


It's clear that AI's main benefits for improving accessibility are making things more open to everyone, breaking down barriers like distance, and giving education to groups that don't have it. Through making education easier to get, AI is working to make the world a better place for everyone to learn and grow.

AI is making it possible for kids like Alex and Maria to get an education in ways that were not possible before. We can make sure that every student has the tools they need to achieve by using these technologies, no matter where they are or how well they can move. This is the future of education: open to everyone, easy to use, and powered by AI.

4. Data-Driven Insights

One of the most powerful ways AI is transforming education is through data-driven insights. AI helps us understand how well students are doing and make learning better generally by looking at huge amounts of data.

Analytics for Prediction

Imagine being able to tell ahead of time which kids will have trouble in a class. This is possible with AI because it can do predictive modeling. These tools look at how well kids did in school, how often they showed up, and how engaged they were to guess how well they will do in the future. This means that teachers and tutors can quickly spot students who are likely to fail and give them the help they need to do well.

Take a look at Sarah, a college student who started to fall behind in her work. Her university found the early danger signs with the help of predictive analytics. The system marked her as at risk because her scores and participation were going down. This gave Sarah's advisors a chance to help her get back on track and stay in school by giving her tutoring and other tools.

Analysis of Student Feedback

AI is also very good at using student comments to make courses better. Universities often get a lot of feedback from surveys and course reviews, but it's hard to sort through all of this information by hand. AI can quickly look through these comments, find themes that keep coming up, and point out places where things could be better.

Let's look at the story of Michael, a biology professor who teaches a big first-year class. He gets a lot of feedback forms from his students at the end of the term. The university uses AI to look at the comments and finds that a lot of students had trouble with a certain chapter. With this new knowledge, Michael can change how he teaches that chapter so that it is clearer and more interesting for future students.


Using AI to get insights from data has a lot of benefits, such as early interventions, better student support, and better educational methods. Teachers can expect and deal with problems before they become big issues by using AI. This gives every student the best chance to succeed.

AI is helping schools like Sarah's and teachers like Michael make choices based on data that are better for their students. By using these tools, we can make the classroom more flexible and helpful, one that changes based on what the students need and keeps getting better over time. This is how AI is changing the future of education: it is smart, attentive, and focused on the students.

Future Prospects of AI in Education

Looking ahead, AI has the potential to revolutionize curriculum development and lifelong learning, ensuring that education remains dynamic, relevant, and aligned with the ever-changing job market.

AI in Curriculum Development

Imagine a curriculum that evolves in real-time, constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and demands in the job market. AI can make this a reality by analyzing vast amounts of data on job market trends and industry needs. This ensures that course content remains relevant and prepares students for the careers of the future.

Take, for example, a university developing a new computer science program. By using AI to analyze job postings, industry reports, and market trends, the university can identify the most in-demand skills and technologies. This data-driven approach allows them to create a curriculum that includes courses on the latest programming languages, cybersecurity practices, and AI development, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the job market.

Lifelong Learning and AI

AI is also playing a crucial role in facilitating continuous education and professional development. With the rapid pace of technological change, it's essential for professionals to keep learning and updating their skills throughout their careers. AI-powered platforms make this easier by recommending courses and learning paths tailored to individual needs and career goals.

Consider LinkedIn Learning, which uses AI to suggest relevant courses based on a user's job title, career aspirations, and learning history. If Jane, a marketing professional, wants to transition into digital marketing, LinkedIn Learning might recommend courses on SEO, social media marketing, and data analytics. This personalized approach helps Jane acquire the skills she needs to advance her career and stay competitive in her field.


The benefits of AI in curriculum development and lifelong learning are clear: up-to-date curricula, a culture of continuous learning, and alignment with industry needs. By leveraging AI, educational institutions can ensure that their programs remain relevant and that students and professionals are equipped with the skills required in today's and tomorrow's job markets.

AI is paving the way for a future where education is more adaptable and responsive. By embracing these technologies, we can create learning environments that support students throughout their lives, helping them to thrive in a rapidly changing world. This is the promise of AI in education – dynamic, forward-thinking, and lifelong.

Closing Thoughts

The integration of AI in education is not a question of if, but when. As we've seen, AI has the potential to personalize learning, streamline administrative tasks, enhance accessibility, provide data-driven insights, revolutionize curriculum development, and facilitate lifelong learning. However, as with any significant change, there will be challenges and considerations.

For institutions considering how much it costs to open a university in today's AI-driven landscape, it's essential to factor in the investments required for AI infrastructure, training, and support. While the initial costs may seem daunting, the long-term benefits of AI in terms of efficiency, student outcomes, and competitiveness cannot be overstated.

Moreover, as an accreditation consultant, I cannot stress enough the importance of ensuring that AI is integrated in a manner that upholds the quality and integrity of education. Accrediting bodies will need to adapt their standards and processes to account for the unique challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

Ultimately, the successful integration of AI in education will require collaboration among educators, administrators, policymakers, and AI experts. By working together, we can harness the power of AI to create a more personalized, accessible, and effective educational experience for all learners.

As we navigate this new frontier, it's crucial that we approach AI with a balance of enthusiasm and caution. We must be proactive in addressing the ethical, privacy, and equity concerns that may arise, while also embracing the incredible potential of AI to transform education for the better.

The future of education is here, and it's powered by AI. Let us seize this opportunity to create a brighter, more inclusive, and more dynamic educational landscape for generations to come.

For personalized guidance, feel free to reach out to Expert Education Consultants via email at with any questions you may have. This service is complimentary.

To explore customized solutions tailored to your specific needs, schedule a personalized one-on-one paid consultation with Dr. Sandra Norderhaug here.

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